Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Worst Possible Timing

So I've been skipping one class for the past 3-4 weeks.  Throw in the 2 week Spring Break that we had, and I haven't even seen this professor in a month and a half.  Factor in that I should have had an essay in to him last week, which I'm still putting off.  I happened to be in my department on an unrelated quest and stopped by the men's room.  Not more than 10 seconds after I'm unzipped, guess who walks in and takes the urinal right next to me?  Yeah.

Man-code says that you have to stare at the wall and pretend that the other person doesn't exist, so that's what we did.  He coughed.  It said everything he was going to say, without breaking the barrier of man-code, while still preserving the awkwardness of the moment.  And it was by far, the most awkward moment of my life.

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