Monday, September 26, 2011

My Cursing

I've been paying attention to when, where, and how I curse, just because a friend mentioned to me that I curse relatively frequently, albeit in slightly abnormal situations.  Here's my unscientific account of my swearing for the past week;

(note, I take each swearword as the basis, rather than each instance.  This means that strings of profanities, while isolated to a short span of time, take up a larger percentage)

2 words, 3.8%: Hockey
Example: "Goddammit Lu, gotta make that save."
Reasoning: This figure was up significantly during the Cup Final, but this week it was about finding out a player was injured or something along those lines.

7 words, 13.5%: Games
Example: "Egypt you son's of bitches, I will end you!"
Reasoning: God damned Egyptians stole my city in Civ 4.

8 words, 15.4%: School related
Example: "How the fuck did I get a D?  Oh wait, that's good here."
Reasoning: D here down under means 'Distinction,' but sometimes it messes me up.  It also included some swearing at deadlines.

13 words, 25%: Australia
Example: "Put on some god-damned shoes, fucking Aussies."
Reasoning: They look like assholes wearing flip flops around all the time.

22 words, 42.3%: Eggs
Example: "Fuck you you piece of shit bastard, don't you dare fucking break on me shit sucker!"
Reasoning: I get really upset when I accidentally break the yolk of an egg I'm trying to cook over easy.  I like my eggs to be runny, dammit.  Pretty much all 22 words came during two cases of eggs breaking.

Total, 52.

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